Icon  Description automatically generated,East Sussex SACRE
 Role Descriptions
 February 2025


SACRE Role Description


As SACREs are bodies appointed by the local authority, in principle the local authority has the right to appoint the Chairperson of SACRE. In East Sussex, the Chairperson is elected on an annual basis, usually at the Annual General Meeting (AGM). The process for the appointment of the Chairperson and the eligibility of candidates is clearly set out in East Sussex SACRE’s Constitution.

There are several key roles that the Chair performs, groupedunder three broadheadings:

·         Specic

·         General

·         Strategic


The specic role of the Chairperson is to ensure the SACRE fulls its statutory duties and responsibilities. To do this the Chairperson must have a clear grasp of the nature and make up of SACRE, what it is responsible for and what it can do beyond its statutory functions. The Chairperson should also take a leading role in SACRE’s on-going process of self-evaluation and development.

During SACRE meetings it is the responsibility of the Chairperson to ensure the smooth and ecient running of the meeting. This includes making sure the business of the meeting is dealt with and that all members can participate and contribute fully. The Chairperson also has the responsibility to decide on any involvement fromnon-members who are present, for example, expertswho might be brought in to advise SACRE on a specic matter pertinent to an agenda item being discussed; likewise, if it is deemednecessary, to decidewhen someone shouldbe asked to leave the meeting or be removed from it.


The Chairperson of SACRE is responsible, with the Clerk and the Children Services Representative, for constructing the agenda for each meeting.This includes decidingon items where the press and public might need to be excluded if they are present.

In the meeting, it is the Chairperson’s role to sign the minutes of the previous meeting as a true and accurate recordas well as to ensuringthat any actionsresulting from the minutes have taken place. If the Chairperson needs a mandateto act on SACRE’s behalf before the next meeting, that should be sought at the meeting being chaired.

If there are issues relating to inefficiencies in the timeliness of notice for meetings, the publication of agendas and reports, the provision of funding or support or the venue of SACRE’s meetings, it is the Chairperson’s place to bring this up with the most senior paid official of the local authority.



In many ways the Chairperson of SACRE is its public face and may be asked to represent SACREat Council meetings or public events, including interfaith events. In this way the Chairperson of SACRE becomes a champion for religious education and collective worship in the local authority and its schools. Therefore, it is important that the Chairperson of SACRE has a clear understanding of the natureof RE and collective worshipand how they affect different schools in dierent ways, the role that RE and collective worship play in a broad and balanced education and their contribution to pupils’ spiritual, moral, social, and cultural development. Beyond understanding these, a good and effective SACRE Chairperson needs to believein the positive contribution of these elements of education in the development of each pupil and of society. The Chairperson also needs to be committed to ensuring the inclusive involvement of all SACRE members and the constituencies that they represent.

Specific duties

Ensure that:

·         A clear timetable of meetings for the year is agreed and publicised.

·         Membership of the SACREis efficiently maintained, i.e. that the four groupsof SACRE have appropriate representation, with good attendance and participation.

·         SACRE producesguidance to supportthe local authorityand its schools with regard to religious education and collective worship.

·         An AnnualReport is producedeach year and sent to the Secretaryof State as required by statute.

·         SACRE membershave a programme of training and, when necessary, induction.

·         There is a Vice or DeputyChair if the Chair is unable to make a meeting.

·         Where thereis an agreed a Code of Conduct,that it is adheredto by all SACRE members.


SACRE Role Description

Children’s Services Representative

It is customary for SACREs to be supported by a senior LA Officer who represents the Director of Children’s Services, supports effective communication with the local authority and the smooth running of the work of the Clerk and Specialist RE Advisor. Where either or both functions are provided by an external consultant, this role is vital and pivotal to establish the necessary links for SACRE with Council processes and departments to ensure effective communications with schools and cross-Council working.

Some aspects of LA Officer’s role are delegated to the Children’s Services Representative.

The Representative will be able to provide SACRE with information regarding local schools and the successes and difficulties they are experiencing, understand and link SACRE to budget processes and council initiatives which may influence or impact their work, e.g., the Prevent Board or Community Safety Partnership.

Where the Specialist RE Advisor is not a LA employee, the Representative will need to facilitate their link to other information about schools, examination data and other LA employees who can support links with schools, training processes and office backup.

When the LA is setting its budget for the coming year, the Representative should ensure the needs of SACRE are articulated so sufficient budget is available so it can perform its statutory duties. When there is an Agreed Syllabus Conference, those additional needs will also have to be articulated.

Specific duties
This person is appointed to represent the local authority and the Education Division as well as support SACRE in carrying out its statutory duties. They should:

·         Engage with NASACRE, where appropriate, and respond to the national agenda.

·         Join the Southeast Central Regional SACRE Meetings with the Specialist RE Adviser.

·         Undertake agenda planning for SACRE meetings.

·         Write, update, and evaluate the development plan during the year.

·         Work with the Chairperson of SACRE and support them in their role.

·         Liaise with the Clerk to SACRE to ensure the committee runs smoothly.

·         Review minutes and papers for meetings.

·         Prepare papers, as needed.

·         Give presentations on key items at meetings.

·         Manage the budget effectively in line with priorities.

·         Liaise with external bodies including our strategic partners, RE Today, and manage the contract, conferences, and ongoing professional development.

·         Liaise with Primary and Secondary Network Leads and support them in their role.

·         Liaise with Specialist RE Advisor and support them in their role.

·         Join working groups or focus groups, as required.

·         Facilitate governor training and engagement.

·         Liaise with schools and respond to enquiries, as required.

·         Liaise with the relevant senior LA Officer to review the contracted service.


Provided through Democratic Services

SACRE Role Description

Specialist RE Adviser

In some LAs, this role is taken over by a consultant employed for this purpose.

It is important therefore that the RE Professional Adviser can work with the support of the Clerk and the LA Officer, at least one of whom should be able to make necessary links with council processes and departments to ensure effective communications with schools and cross-Council working.

Specific duties
This person is appointed to provide specialist advice on religious education and collective worship as well as facilitating links with national, regional, and local organisations. They should:

·         Attend Southeast Central Regional SACRE meetings and report back to SACRE.

·         Attend Executive Committee meetings for the Association of REInspectors, Advisers and Consultants (AREIAC).

·         Attend NASACRE Annual General Meeting. 

·         Support the development and implementation of the Agreed Syllabus.

·         Know the statutory requirements for the teaching of RE and Collective Worship. 

·         Understand the work of SACRE so effective advice and support can be given. 

·         Support agenda planning for SACRE meetings. 

·         Support SACRE Members in their role. 

·         Write guidance for schools that relates to the teaching of RE and Collective Worship. 

·         Attend national events to inform the work of SACRE, as appropriate. 

·         Share best practice from other local authorities and schools. 

·         Participate in appropriate training such as RE leadership programmes. 

·         Support working groups or focus groups, as needed. 

·         Support the development of training programmes for RE and Collective Worship. 

·         Contribute to the writing, updating, and evaluating of the development plan. 

·         Liaise with the Children’s Services Representative and Network Leads. 


Up to 7 days@8hrs per academic year. 


SACRE Role Description

Primary, Secondary and Special Network Leads

To support curriculum design, subject delivery and continuing professional development, primary and secondary networks have been established. as part of the East Sussex Learning Collaborative Network (ESLCN).

All subject networks have been created to improve outcomes for children and young people. They draw on experienced teachers and leaders within the county to work with others to bring about positive change. Network Leads co-ordinate activity and develop expertise in the teaching of religious education and the leading of collective worship.

Alongside a range of support and continuing professional development, subject networks contribute to the reviewing of the agreed syllabus, identification of strengths and areas for development as well as identifying where additional support should be targeted.

Specific duties
This person is appointed to co-ordinate activity and develop expertise in the teaching of religious education and the leading of collective worship. They should:

·         Lead termly network meetings for their phases (3 times per year)

·         Plan an agenda for these meetings.

·         With the agreement of SACRE, commission support and plan for CPD for primary and secondary phases that meets the needs of the schools and supports the development of quality provision.

·         Support with the delivery of training.

·         Support with the promotion and delivery of an annual subject conference.

·         Support the Specialist RE Advisor in organisation of Good Practice Visits by SACRE members, where possible.

·         Liaise with the Specialist RE Advisor and Children’s Services Representative to ensure coherent support for schools.


Up to 3 days@8hrs per academic year (Primary/Secondary Network Leads).

SACRE Role Description

Clerk to the SACRE and ASC

Legislation underpinning the statutory work of SACREs requires that they should have the support of a clerk or similar officer, that minutes are produced in an efficient and legal manner, thereby ensuring the smooth and effective running of the SACRE; the LA has a responsibility to ensure that the minutes of SACREs and ASCs are publicly available for six years after their adoption.

Follow-up from meetings and liaising with various organisations and communities is time-consuming, requiring a level of professional competency. Both the SACRE and ASC need to have a wide membership, representing the many and varied faith communities in the LA. The Clerk is often the first point of contact with these communities and SACRE members.

Specific duties

The SACRE and ASC Clerk should:

·         Arrange, attend and clerk three meetings of the SACRE per year and the Agreed Syllabus Conference (ASC), when required.

·         Produce and circulate minutes and agendas of the SACRE/ASC in a timely manner (minutes to be produced within two weeks).

·         Ensure all papers are circulated to members in advance of meetings.

·         Ensure finalised papers are sent to Democratic Services.

·         Advise on dates of meetings, particularly in relation to religious holidays or other Council meetings which may clash and affect quoracy.

·         Book venues for meetings of the SACRE/ASC or set-up online meetings.

·         Liaise with a venue for use of any necessary equipment (e.g., IT, projector) required.

·         Remind members or other attendees about reports and circulation deadlines.

·         Circulate additional papers from e.g., NASACRE, RE Council and Ofsted, as appropriate.

·         Work as a team closely with the Chair, Specialist RE Advisor and other SACRE officers to produce reports, e.g., when changes to the SACRE constitution or membership are required.

·         Be the first point of contact for SACRE members, faith community members, members of the public and other bodies concerned with the work of SACREs.

·         Respond to queries, alerting the Chair and Specialist RE Advisor when necessary.

·         Maintain the SACRE membership list, keeping it up to date, chasing members whose attendance is poor and identifying any membership issues for the attention of the Chair, RE Professional and LA officers.

·         Contribute information, e.g., membership and attendance details for the Annual Report.

·         Assist in the production and circulation of the Annual Report.

·         Issue materials for new members and ensure that they have sufficient information.

·         Where possible liaise with the LA Officer, other Council departments, keeping the Chair, the RE Professional and other officers informed of any relevant Council initiatives.

·         Ensure all SACRE publications/advice are circulated to the relevant bodies.

·         Liaise with the Council’s committee/legal section regarding governance issues.

·         Be responsible for the passing on invoices for payment, relating to SACRE work, e.g., attendance at national conferences, catering for meetings.


Provided through Democratic Services